From the Sound of It

Last week at Big Tent Deb suggested that we listen for a few words we liked and then think about building a poem around those words. The key concept was to listen to the sound.

After jotting down a few phrases that caught my attention, I realized how I don’t give sound enough care. I tend to be an abstract thinker, which is not very good for writing poetry. I listen to sounds, like blaring music, rushing wind, barking dogs, and children laughing, but when it comes to words, I often gloss over the way a particular word sounds. I read a lot, which is usually how interesting words present themselves to me, and I have long lists of lexicons from the page.

But my sound list is very short, and I did not write a poem with the words included. Maybe someday… . My list, generated at Wordle, is pasted below. I invite you to add to it in the comments section. Have you heard any interesting words or phrases lately?


If you want more words to inspire a poem, check out Big Tent again this week. They have a Wordle prompt up.

6 thoughts on “From the Sound of It

  1. deb says:

    Hey, thanks for the shout out! And I love these words. [Can I pilfer them for a future series of Wordles? 🙂 (I need an emoticon that shows a silly-toothy grin. Maybe :-E ?)]


  2. naquillity says:

    Hey Christine~ i found these words worthy of mention: glissades and faronades. hope they ‘ade’ you in your interesting word list. i read them in Shantaram. hope all is well. have a great day.


  3. christine says:

    Deb, you crack me up. I just wish I could come up with a poem in time for the prompts. I’ve been working on a sonnet series about my relationship with my husband.


  4. Julie says:

    Hi, Christine. This is a great prompt. I love your list. “Pastoral” is a nice sounding word. It just slides off the tongue.

    This is silly, but I’ve always loved the sound of the word “pituitary.” I think it’s the little spit sound in the middle of the word…TOO. Of course, accents tend to affect the way we read words, and I tend to place a lot of emphasis on that syllable when I say it.

    I’d love to read your sonnets when you’re ready to show them!


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