Family and art at the beach

Night falls at the pier

Night falls at the pier

Spending a few days at the beach with my sister and her daughter was a welcome change from the ordinary, and it was also nice to see my husband, my son and his friends have a good time there. The boys bought a raft and a pirate’s flag to ride the waves, while the three adults took care of the three-year old. It can take that many sometimes… .

My sister is a single mom who does an amazing job with her daughter – so much patience and attention, which is what children need and deserve. In addition to being a skilled parent, she’s also an incredible artist. She can do it all really, sculpture, portraits, lithographs, but her specialty is 3-D animation with a focus in mat painting and landscapes. While we were at the beach she had one chance to go out to a pier to paint. Lately she has been interested in plein-air painting, and keeps a portable easel and paint set in the trunk of her car. This time she painted a tree with a view of the marsh in the distance.

Here’s a link to my sis’s website, which showcases some of her landscape paintings. Can you tell how proud I am of her?

If you’re interested in plein-air, here’s a link to the Plein-air Painters of America.

9 thoughts on “Family and art at the beach

  1. Michelle Johnson says:

    Welcome back Christine. Glad you guys had such a good time. I fully understand how it takes many to watch a small child. I was a single mother once too.

    It’s easy to see where you get your talent from. Your sister’s artwork is stunning. She has such an eye for detail. Hope all is well. Have a great day.


  2. christine says:

    Thanks for taking a look at my sis’s artwork. I’m amazed when I see so much of it gathered on her website, and she’s so modest, too. She just loves doing it.


  3. Julie says:

    Wow! I just looked at your sister’s site, and I am amazed. I especially love the huts on the ocean and the Charleston paintings. I’ll pass her link around. She is excellent!


  4. Jo says:

    She really is amazing…..but this isn’t Meg, right? So the three of you are incredibly artistic……wow. I love the Charleston ones best too, makes me want to be there. And yes, it can take three to mind one small child!!!


  5. christine says:

    Hey, no, this sister is Patrice. Thanks for including me in her league, Jo. She’s an inspiration. And you understand the parenting part, for sure. It’s especially important at the beach, right?

    Thanks for sharing her link, Julie.


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