Fun stuff on the web

During January I get very sleepy, just like a possum or a bear. Three things help shake off the lethargy: creativity, laughter, and long walks in the sunshine. I can’t take you on a walk with me, but I can share a few things that might make you smile.

  • Do you admit to others that you watch American Idol? I won’t tell anyone, I promise. But you must go to Collin Kelley’s Modern Cofessional to read his ‘snark’ as he calls it, about last night’s program. Collin has a tradition of blogging about Idol, so stay tuned for his appraisals each week during the season.
  • I have a post up at Read Write Poem about how I began making video poems. There’s a link to a video I made for qarrtsiluni. Why not let a video poem be your next fun project? Or, I dare you to record yourself reading a poem, and post it to your blog. Hey, maybe I’ll do that. But first I need to get out of my bathrobe and go for a walk.
  • Do you prefer static images to write about? There’s an image prompt at Read Write Poem for you. We have everything you need for writing poems these days. One-stop poem shopping.
  • One of my favorite new sites is Postal Poetry. I usually submit one or two postcard poems a month to Dave and Dana, and they’ve been most gracious in publishing my wee lines. Here’s a link to the latest, called ‘The little robot that couldn’t.’ After you see the photo, you’ll understand how Dana’s friend Feldman inspired me to write.
  • This postcard poem below was too small for Postal to use (I took it with my cell phone), so I thought I’d post it here. The photo is a detail of of the Crown Fountain in Millennium Park, by Jaume Plensa

8 thoughts on “Fun stuff on the web

  1. Michelle says:

    I was driving home from work this afternoon thinking about Pumpkin, Lemon Drop (my new little friend), Bass and Bearded Trout, and marvelling at the scope of your imagination.

    I’m off to Read Write Poem to read your article.


  2. Holly D says:

    I am loving that postal poetry! I need to hook up with you and have one of those walks! I’ll cook you din-din! Lethargy has set in for me too (and some depression). I’ve been meaning to make such things as your wonderful postal poem and your poetry videos, if I can get past my fear of learning new things on the computer…


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